Loti AI Biometric Data Policy
Last Revision Date: January 2025

By clicking “I accept” or other similar language or otherwise agreeing or acknowledging this
Loti Biometric Data Policy (this “Policy”), I acknowledge that I have been advised and
understand that Loti AI Inc. (“Loti”) collects, retains, uses, and processes Biometric Data for
the purposes identified in this this Policy.

I understand that I am free to decline to provide Biometric Data to Loti. I may revoke this
separately provided consent at any time by notifying Loti in writing by email or in
writing . I acknowledge that this would mean that I could no longer use Loti’s

Loti has instituted the following Policy that details how Loti collects, stores, uses, and
processes a Subscriber’s Biometric Data. This Policy is to be read in conjunction with the Loti
Subscription Agreement
applicable to and agreed to separately by each

Biometric Data Defined

As used in this policy, your “Biometric Data” means your likeness which is both: (1) the
Subscriber’s voice as collected by audio recording devices and associated software that use
voice analysis, language translation technology, text-to-voice or voice-to-text software, and/or
artificial intelligence (“AI”) create a voice signature that is an abstract, non-geometric,
numerical representations of the Subscriber’s voice associated with the Subscriber’s
identifying information that can be compared to determine a match with real or synthesized
audio recordings of the Subscriber’s voice on the internet; and (2) photographs or digital
images of the Subscriber’s face that AI will use to create a face signature that is an abstract,
non-geometric, numerical representation of the Subscriber’s face associated with the
Subscriber’s identifying information that can be compared using AI to determine a match with
images or videos of your face on the internet; and (3) iris or retinal scans, gait, or other
characteristics that are unique to the Subscriber.

Purpose for Collecting, Using, and Processing the Subscriber’s Biometric Data
We collect, store, and process the subscriber’s Biometric Data solely to provide the Services
that include the creation of voice signatures, face signatures, iris or retinal scans, or other
characteristics unique to the Subscriber to: (1) determine whenever the Subscriber’s voice or
image is used, synthesized, or translated, and works employing Subscriber’s voice and/or
image are distributed, published, or otherwise made available to the public on the internet; and
(2) train generative AI to compare Subscriber’s stored Biometric Data with voices or images on
the internet.
We will not sell, lease, trade, or otherwise profit from your Biometric Data other than receive
fees from the Subscriber for comparing the Subscriber’s Biometric Data against audio and
images/video on the internet, provided, however, that Loti’s vendors may be paid for products
or services that they provide to Loti that store Biometric Data, images, and/or voice for the
purposes described above. We will not use any of Subscriber’s Biometric Data for any
purpose other than described above.

Disclosure of Biometric Data to Third Parties

We will not disclose, redisclose, or otherwise disseminate your Biometric Data to anyone other
than each other for the purposes of providing products and services using your Biometric Data
described above unless:
a. You provide written consent to such disclosure, redisclosure, or dissemination
and such disclosure, redisclosure, or dissemination is not prohibited by state or
federal law;
b. The disclosed or redisclosed Biometric Data completes a financial transaction
requested or authorized by you;
c. Disclosure or redisclosure is required by state or federal law or municipal
ordinance; or
d. Disclosure or redisclosure is required pursuant to a valid warrant or subpoena
issued by a court.
Biometric Data Retention Schedule
Your Biometric Data will be retained until the first of the following occurs:
a. The initial purpose for collecting or obtaining such Biometric Data has been
satisfied, such as the termination of your Subscription Agreement with Loti; or
b. you revoke your consent for Loti to use your Biometric Data; or
c. 3 years after your last interaction with Loti.

Biometric Data Storage

Loti will use a reasonable standard of care to store, transmit, and protect from disclosure any
(1) Biometric Data collected from the Subscriber, or (2) any data or information derived from
your Biometric Data. Such storage, transmission, and protection from disclosure will be
performed in a manner that is the same as or more protective than the manner in which Loti
stores, transmits, and protects from disclosure other confidential and sensitive information,
including personal information that can be used to uniquely identify the Subscriber or the
Subscriber’s accounts or property.